Release Log

July 8th, 2024

  • Changed About page video
  • Updated About page buttons to be clearer and more consistent
  • Updated About page messages to be clearer

July 2nd, 2024

Bug Fixes
  • Can now search non-submissions on website
  • Time logged properly for searches and clicks

June 25th, 2024

  • Questions added to submission visualization
  • Web results and submission results in extension
  • Simplified extension UI
  • Removal of various features not central to platform
  • Refactoring of backend API

May 9th, 2024

  • Sort results by popularity, relevance, and recency
Bug Fixes
  • Community name on visualization is properly pulled instead of "All"
  • Extension default behavior and source now saved on tab changes
  • Search summarization not persisted across searches
  • Submission default is now non-anonymous

May 1st, 2024

  • Homepage recommended public communities
  • Number of followers and joined members for communities
  • Summarize search results
  • Public community submissions can be viewed without an account
Bug Fixes
  • More mobile-friendly
  • Community page ten results, then show more on search

April 16th, 2024

Bug Fixes
  • Community page cache hard fix
  • Double footer render
  • Community links

April 14th, 2024

  • "Are you sure you want to leave?" on submission editing
  • Ability to follow and unfollow public communities
Bug Fixes
  • Paging was returning 403 because of public community update
  • Batch DB calls for speeding up export and visualization

April 9th, 2024

  • Private and public communities
  • Likes and dislikes for submissions
  • Scoring search results by popularity
Bug Fixes
  • Visualization refresh now does not revert

March 29th, 2024

  • Extension caching for taking notes on webpage
  • Homepage recently accessed submissions
  • Friendlier user onboarding
  • Log in with username or email in extension
  • Clicking autocomplete redirects to submission page
  • Increased submission description length to 5,000 words / 50,000 characters
  • Export JSON of search results
  • Restrict search to only your submissions
  • Connection-based visualizations on the homepage, search, and community
  • Character counter (max 50,000) on submission description
  • Sidebar drawer for a user's most recently made submissions per community
Bug Fixes
  • State updates for submission page
  • Accidental edit when creating new submission from existing page
  • Extension save/find page toggle no longer stuck on find
  • Original visualization filter change now doesn't throw application error
  • Save and error on submission does not discard changes
  • Refactored search bar in extension
  • Fixed markdown in extension to be only light mode
  • Homepage recommendation default is now most recent
  • Remove join key for non-admins

February 19th, 2024

Bug Fixes
  • Removed toolbar from submission preview
  • Better state management for real-time updating of submission
  • Removed edit button when not own submission
  • Added back spellcheck to submission
  • Return display URL on submission PATCH
  • Improved question generation experience in extension

February 10, 2024

  • Submission page redesign
Bug Fixes
  • Login button(s) on small screen now not cut off
  • Reorganized buttons in the extension

January 28, 2024

  • New faster LLM for extension question generation
  • More extension question generation options
  • Logging and extension QA formatting, open to web
  • Own submission toggle in search graph visualization
Bug Fixes
  • Query encoding error on visualization
  • Markdown quote and sanitize
  • Removed webpages from extension open to decrease lag

December 16th, 2023

  • Compare functionality in extension
  • Visualize on search
  • Titles and legend in submission visualization
  • Non-anonymous submissions
  • Generative LLM in extension
Bug Fixes
  • Removed empty username login
  • Properly handle duplicate recommendations on homepage
  • Renamed "The Community Digital Library" and "CDL" to "TextData"
  • Sharpened message on About page
  • Video and new images on About page

November 21st, 2023

  • Larger default submission description
  • Timestamps now fixed instead of relative

November 19th, 2023

  • Auto-suggest on website search bar header
  • Auto-suggest on website submission create and edit
Bug Fixes
  • Clicking whitespace around search result no longer redirects
  • Clicking relevance judgment on search result no longer redirects
  • Refactored submission form for more consistent look
  • "About" page updated to reflect recent changes
  • Added release log to footer

November 14th, 2023

Bug Fixes
  • Nested headers are no longer counted as hashtags in submissions
  • Limit size of scrape to 50,000 characters
  • Limit submission graph visualization to 10 websites and 10 submissions, and to only use title as query
  • Fixed note box to be light mode always
  • Drawer navigation on collapsed window now includes documentation
  • Community visualization now contains more than just the first page of the search

November 13th, 2023

  • Submission descriptions are now markdown
  • Reply functionality for connecting submissions
  • Submission source URLs are no longer required (support for text-only submissions)
Bug Fixes
  • Source target visualization edit state fixes

November 5th, 2023

  • Community meta-descriptor visualization
  • Similar submission visualization
  • Complete documentation
  • Core content recommendation
Bug Fixes
  • Batch upload field name fix
  • Ordered and unordered bullet now render properly
  • Search result whitespace click now navigates to submission's TextData page
  • Submission time on search result made smaller

August 9th, 2023

  • Webpage auto-index and search, recommendation incorporation
  • Improved recommendation via recent extension opens
  • Clearer landing page and footer
Bug Fixes
  • Result display word wrap and spacing

May 8th, 2023

  • Password auto-check on account creation
  • Minor UI response improvements
  • Larger search results
  • Batch upload for submissions
  • Extension Alt+S auto-open, better-organized hashtags (v.
Bug Fixes
  • Submission result overflow

April 11th, 2023

  • Wider search bar in header
  • Auto-email for password reset
  • Clickable hashtag display in search results
  • Chrome extension added to web store (v.
Bug Fixes
  • Note title duplicate preview removed
  • Search bar length fix to avoid preview cutoff
  • Username in header on account creation

April 4th, 2023

  • Privacy Policy
  • Footer on each page for easy navigation
  • Extended search bar in header
  • Infinity scroll in search results
Bug Fixes
  • Extension failure on certain arXiv pages

March 23rd, 2023

  • Ability to submit directly from the website
  • Ability to edit submission
  • Header reorganization
  • Extension page simplification
  • Community name is presented when searching
  • More accurate extension open search via title and description of webpage
Bug Fixes
  • Header rendering now doesn't briefly switch to login on page reload
  • More detailed error messages in extension and website

March 3rd, 2023

  • Search result reformat
  • Submission times, hyperlinked communities added to submission page
  • Neural ranking on certain search queries
  • Note page sidebar auto-open when child is selected
  • Basic "Most Recent" recommendation feed
  • Basic deduplication in search results
  • Community names and descriptions are editable
  • Community leave history is displayed with the ability to rejoin left communities
  • Admins can leave communities
Bug Fixes
  • Feedback redirect URL now redirects to external submission page
  • Extension copy share URL now includes missing "s"
  • Deleted submissions are no longer visible on submission page
  • Old server API is depreciated.

February 20th, 2023

  • Favicons added to submissions when they appear in search results
  • Community names in search results are hyperlinks
  • Relevance judgments are removed when viewing own submissions or browsing communities
  • Submission page delete button toggled based on user permissions
  • Community page redesign
  • Page titles for proper tab titles
Bug Fixes
  • Better error handing on website and extension
  • Users can now leave a community without error
  • Removed sometimes dangling arrow in search result URL preview
  • Permission to view submission removed from all communities if user is original creator
  • Submissions with no communities display "None" in search results

February 10th, 2023

  • Move to
  • Search result caching
  • Updated extension to use new domain API
Bug Fixes
  • Redirect when submission is undefined
  • Better error message display on website and extension

February 5th, 2023

  • A release log
  • Basic password reset functionality on website
  • Hierarchical note pages
Bug Fixes
  • Opening a submission page without being logged in redirects to login page
  • Better error message display on website and extension
  • Passwords must be longer than 5 characters
  • Usernames must be longer than 1 character
  • Emails must have valid form
  • Pages start at 1
TextData is an online platform designed to remove the knowledge barriers of online information discovery by leveraging the collaboration of communities.



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TextData is an online platform designed to remove the knowledge barriers of online information discovery by leveraging the collaboration of communities.



Setup InstructionsPrivacy PolicyRelease LogDocumentation
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